Przez lata, mieliśmy wielką przyjemność gościć znamienitych gości ze świata polityki oraz dyplomacji na szczeblu krajowym i międzynarodowym. Centrum Kultury i Sztuki odwiedzili między innymi: Ambasador Nadzwyczajny i Pełnomocnik Boliwariańskiej Republiki Wenezueli J.E. Luis Gomez Urdaneta, Ambasador Ekwadoru, Fabian Valdivieso Eguiguren, Konsul Kuby, Roberto Marrero, pierwsza sekretarz Boliwariańskiej Ambasady Wenezueli, Lucibel Contreras Ochoa, pierwszy sekretarz Boliwariańskiej Ambasady Wenezueli, Dimas Alvarenga Guerra, współpracownik tejże ambasady, Nohel Villavicencio, a także Ambasador Panamy, Luis Alberto Madrid Caballero.
The Centre of Culture and Art attaches great importance for international culture cooperation. Our institution tries to have more and more to offer to our foreign partners. Through the presentation of other countries culture in Poland the center contributes to better international agreement. We presents our residents distant countries and cultures, we host Ambassadors, Consuls and diplomatic representatives. The center is also involved in exploration of new partners for common projects and takes care of the best relationship with present partners. International projects integrate human environment related in popularizing culture and art. Through our cooperation we try to form the world of positive values like opening for other culture, acceptance, tolerance, education for respect to other people, the need to care for the co-creation of modern culture. For several months we’ve been realizing the international project Musical Travels Around the World.